When To Visit Gynaecologist ?
A visit to the gynecologist is recommended for annual screening and any time a woman has concerns about symptoms such as pelvic, vulvar, and vaginal pain or abnormal bleeding from the uterus. For the following reasons, you should visit a gynaecologist:
- Pre-Pregnancy counseling.
- To know about vaccinations.
- Learn about family planning and contraception.
- Issues relating to pregnancy, fertility, menstruation, and menopause.
- Your periods are irregular and far off.
- You have recurrent periods which return in a span of 21 days or less.
- You notice inter-menstrual bleeding (bleeding in between the periods).
- Your periods last more than 7 days.
- You have very delayed periods.
- You have unnaturally heavy periods.
- You miss a period.
- Your urine frequency increases without any rhyme or reason.
- You feel pain or a burning sensation while urinating.
- You notice blood in the urine.
- You notice an abnormal discharge from the vagina associated with cow’s milk.
- Itching in the vagina.
- You experience more than just discomfort in your breasts during your periods.
- You feel a lump in your breast.
- You notice discharge from your breasts.
- You experience occasional pelvic pain or discomfort.
- Severe menstrual cramps felt in the abdomen and lower back.
- Abdominal pain after sexual intercourse.
- Pain along with the presence of a lump in the abdomen.
- Sharp abdominal or pelvic pain during menstruation or sexual intercourse.
- For your general well-being